Select Publications


Poems, Insomniac Press

The Stunning Debut Poetry Collection from the winner of the Malahat Long Poem Prize

In Roseanne Carrara’s A Newer Wilderness, the world’s rich and compelling past buckles and swells beneath our feet, and its abiding influence rises like geothermal steam into the present. Powerful voices from history and legend issue forth and mingle with our familiar, circadian surroundings. These poems serve to remind us that our future need not cost us our past, that our capacity for intellect need not diminish our basic humanity, and that civilizations need not be built at the expense of the natural environment in which they thrive.


Magazines & Anthologies

Selected Titles

A selection of my tweets appear in the book, Tolstoy Together: 85 Days of War and Peace with Yiyun Li, A Public Space, September 2021.

“Ektachrome,” a chapter from my novel in progress, The Quarantine Review 5 (Pulp Issue), November 2020.

Covering Space Oddity,” Poem, The Quarantine Review 3, September 2020.

“‘Til Now,” 3 Poems, with 3 drawings by Blaise Moritz, The Quarantine Review 2, July 2020. Read “Bicyclette” on TheQuarantine

“Finder,” the first chapter of my novel in progress, Taddle Creek, Summer Pulp Issue, No. 43, Summer 2019. [pdf]

“Sunrise with Sea Monsters,” Poem, Sunrise with Sea Monsters, ed. Paul Vermeersch

They Will Take My Island,” Poem, They Will Take My Island, ed. Paul Vermeersch

“On Adam [Autumn] Getty’s Yellow Grass,” Essay, ARC

 “Curses,” “To a Translator of Horace,” and “The End of the Novel,” Harp & Altar, 8

“Kenotaphion,” (Winner of the Long Poem Prize), Malahat Review 143

“Wife of Pilate” and “Certain Disappearances,” Fiddlehead 215

“During the Spring Dandelion Rush in Irvine, California,” (Nominated for a National Magazine Award), and “Surveillance,” Malahat Review 137

For a full literary C.V. please use the contact form on the Services Page.




Smelling Salts Journal: writer, content creator, designer, 2017-present.

The Lunchbox Season and Summer of Funner:  writer, content creator, designer, 2011-2017.

I am also the webmaster, content creator and social media coordinator for Toronto’s Poet Laureate, A.F. Moritz, 2015-present.

Guest Posts & Partnerships